it is nearly as good to see them on oneself. I delight in show- ing off" in dainty clothes to other women, particularly in the in- timate impropriety of appearing in dainty and lacey undies to them, though that is an experience limited to my dear wife and her sis- ter and my own sister; and also, of course, to my transvestist "lady" friends.
Over and above the sexual factor I am thoroughly at home and most comfortable in petticoats and frocks and definitely prefer them to male garb. Yet my personality is unchanged and I do not feel feminine in myself. If it were practicable I would wear noth- ing but women's clothes. I do all kinds of male work in skirts-- carpentry, mechanical work, electrical and household repairs. At our country bungalow, where I can wear frocks most of the time, I once spent three days in summer frocks collating papers on Assy- rian medical tablets. (Now, in 1961, a forgotten dream.)
My ideal has always been to live in a world so sensible that I could go about my ordinary work in town and village dressed in charming women's clothes, accepted without comment as a man-woman with a nice taste in dress.
Additional Notes, 1947.
There is nothing to alter in the previous notes. I have been continuously wearing women's outer and under-clothes for 27 years and in all that time my loving wife has been my encouragement and protection. Now in my 63rd year and though sexual capacity has disappeared and sexual excitement of the kind suggested earlier is much weakened, yet the satisfaction in and the desire for frocks and frills most definitely remain, despite the War and clothing re- strictions I have quite a full wardrobe including georgette, silk, marocain and velvet evening frocks and a good supply of day frocks. The most exciting dress is a ball gown bought in the West End dur- ing the War as a bargain. A real ball gown in rustling stiff silk taffeta with yards and yards of skirt trimmed with self ruffles and off-the-shoulder Victorian bodice with ruffled shoulder straps. It was altered to fit me (not in person, of course) at a cost of L410s., probably worth 25 guineas. Under it goes an ankle length flounced taffeta petticoat.
I cannot think that the long years of indulgence have caused harm to me or anyone else. I have never been caught, there has been no scandal, and I do not think it has in any way affected my